Greetings my friend!
We are all interested in the future for that is were you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend: future events such as these will affect you in the future - You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable; that's why you are here. And now, for the first time we are bringing to you the full story of what happened on that fateful day. We are giving you all the evidence based on the secret testimony of the miserable souls who survived this terrifying ordeal. The incidents, the places - my friend, we cannot keep this a secret any longer. Let us punish the guilty; let us reward the innocent. My friend, can your heart stand the shocking facts about the...

Freak [fri:k] m. umg. unangepaßter, verrückter Mensch, jmd.,der eine bestimmte Sache intensiv, fanatisch betreibt. [engl. eigtl. "Laune, drolliger Einfall"]

(aus "Wahring Deutsches Wörterbuch", Bertelsmann Lexicon Verlag)

"Warum hast du die normalen Kunden - und ich nur die Ärsche und Freaks?"
(Al Bundy - Schuhverkäufer)

"And who are you? One of the Freaks?"
(aus Spaceballs von Mel Brooks)

Letzter Update: 17.5.2002